Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

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The Boko Queen Temple

The Boko Queen Temple or Candi Ratu Boko is three kilometres south of Prambanan temple complex. The name "Candi Ratu Boko" was given by the locals just based on a legend of Ratu Boko, Rara Jonggrang's father. This site lies on a small plateau about 196 meter above the sea level. The remains cover the areas of two villages, Dawung and Sambirejo, belong to Jogjakarta Special Territory Province. The views from the plateau's ridge are most beautiful during the dawn or in the late afternoon. 
The Boko Queen Temple structure are devided into three clusters. The 1st consits of an impressive gateway and a large stone structure with a central depression-perhaps ancient crematorium. The 2nd set of ruins lies a few hundred metres 500th. These consists of several stone fondations and enclosures, including a set of bathing pools. The 3rd cluster, several hundred metres north of the first enclosure, consists of two artificial meditation caves, a square pool and a staircase. 

Ratu Boko was probably built in about the 8th century by the Buddhist Sailendra's and later took over by Hindu Mataram. Van Boecjholzt discovered it in 1790. In 1989 - 1990, Subroto in his research concluded that there is a lot of similarities between the components of Boko Queen Temple and some early palaces in India. Who was the founder? How long had it been dwelled? We haven't known them until today. In fact, we even haven't known the function. Was it used as a royal park, a palace, a fort or a shrine temple?
Base of Public BuildingIts located outside the fence, about 1.5 meters to the east. Its base which is 38 m long, 7 m wide and 1.5 m high lies north to south. There 4 steps on the west side. 20 pedestals are found on its floor. There are also 4 grooves which were possible used for laying walls partitions. Bathing Palace (water reservoir). This complex lies to the east of Pendopo and consists of 3 groups. The complex are bordered by rectangular fence. the first group consists of 3 square pools, two of them, pool A and B, lie north to south. There is a gate between pool A and pool B. The second group consists of 8 round pools devided into 3 rows. Miniature Temples. These temples are located in the south east of  The Pendopo and are formed of 2 temple-flankers and middle largest one is called the main temple.

Group of Keputren (Princessly Palace) The third group consists of a rectangular pool only, 31 x 8 square m, surrounded by the fence with 2 gates on the south west side and the north east side. A ruined gate is found about 20 meter in the south of the other groups. A ruin of stone structure is also found about 60 meters from that gate with its floor which is still in good condition. Its base has the shape of a square measuring 20 m long and 20 m wide. There are 28 pedestals on the floor.

Group of Caves These two caves are located on the south slope of a rocky hill. Male CaveIt lies about 300 m to the north east of Base of Paseban measuring 3.5 m long, 3 m wide and 1.5 m high. Two recesses are engraved on the inside back wall and a recess on the other respective inside walls. Female CaveIt lies about 20 m to the south east of Base of Paseban and lower than the Male Cave. This cave is smaller. A recess is engraved on the inside back wall.

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