Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

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The Beuaty of Ullen Sentalu

Ullen Sentalu is a private museum that was initiated by Haryono family and now is managed by Ulating Blencong Foundation. It was established in 1994 and officially inaugurated on March 1, 1997, coinciding with the date commemorated every year as a historical day for Jogjakarta City. The inauguration was done by KGPAA Paku Alam VIII, who was at that time the Governor of Jogjakarta Special Province. The existence of Ullen Sentalu Museum can't be separated with Kaswargan Park. The museum is located  on Kaliurang historic sites, such as  Hastorenggo Guesthouse building which owned by Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII (1877-1921) and  Kaliurang Three Nations Commission Building.

The word of 'Ullen Sentalu' is acronym of the Java language that is 'Ulating bLENcong SEjatiNing TAtaraning LUmaku', if translated roughly mean 'the Light of Life for Human Journey.' This museum is one of Javanese culture and art museums in the Jogjakarta . The museum was inspired by the love of a family who grew up in the batik and textiles influenced  the love of a family who grew up in the environment of batik and textiles. In 1970's, many ancient batik was chased by collectors,  later people who love much with batik founded a foundation to save ancient batik. They choose Ulen Sentanu Museum as a museum who display and keep up some ancient batik. These efforts was received positive response from the 4 member of the Kingdom of Mataram Dynasty. They were been board foundation,  Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII (Pengageng Pura Paku Alaman 1937-1998), Sunan Pakubuwono XII (Sultan of Kasunanan Surakarta 1945-2004), Ratu Gusti Alit KGPH Kanjeng Poeger (Uncle of Sri Sultan HB X Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat 1989), and Nurul GRAy Kusumawardhani (Princess Consort Sri Mangkunegara VII).

The Ullen Sentalu Museum was received a grant of personal items to complete the collection. In the museum, you can see manuscripts and historical photographs of the palace as well as other interesting images of people and events during the colonial era. There are various artifacts, and many oil paintings, including painted portraits of various sultans and also their family. The detail of the museum is dominated by beautiful architecture which its concept to harmonize nature and human. The conceptor is DR. KP. Samuel Widyadiningrat. Ullen Sentalu Museum has two main buildings, first Guwa Selo Giri (catacomb) and second, Village Kambang (complex of buildings on the pond water). Village Kambang is built of Sekar Kedaton Bale, Pendapa Pengantin Jogja venue, Batik Yogyakarta venue and Surakarta venue and Pesisiran Batik venue. The museum collections are stored in Guwa Selo Giri and Kampong Kambang.

Jalan Boyong Kaliurang, Sleman Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Phone. +62 274 895161
Opening Hours.
Tuesday - Sunday at 9.00 am - 3.30 pm.
Entrance Ticket.
International, IDR 50.000
Domestic, IDR 25.000
Note. Closed on Monday

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