Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

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Kraton Royal Wedding, 2011


The event of marriage among the youngest daughter of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Gusti Kanjeng Queen Bendara or Gray Nurastuti Wijareni with Kanjeng Prince Achmad Ubaidillah Haryo Yudanegara or held in October 18, 2011. President of Indonesia- Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, 20 ministers and 40 Kings from various corners of the archipelago also attended the event. President and vice president, several guests from  friendly countries also attended the wedding procession of the Sultan’s daughter.

The royal wedding Jogjakarta palace, really be a happy party of thousands or even millions of people of Yogyakarta. Pair GKR Bendara and KPH Yudanegara was brought from the palace towards Kepatihan Ward, humans must divide the sea that has been closed path through which the bride. The procession accompanied the bride and groom who do reception in Ward Kepatihan bergada soldiers led by the palace. Both bride Jong Wiyat train ride in the second row of the procession–the accompaniment of a train. Both were wearing maroon kebaya with dressing Paes Ageng do groats.

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